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ID Patient Name Age Gender Blood Group Appointment Date Doctor Assigned Disease Action
#P-002 Alexia Kev 52 years Female B+ 26/02/2022 Dr. Samantha Allergies
ID Patient Name Age Gender Blood Group Appointment Date Doctor Assigned Disease Action
#P-002 Alexia Kev 52 years Female B+ 26/02/2022 Dr. Samantha Allergies
#P-003 Andrew Stevano 45 years Male A+ 20/02/2022 Dr. Marcus Jr Diabetes
#P-004 Brian Lucky 65 years Female 0+ 05/02/2022 Dr. David Lee Asthma
#P-005 Cive Slauw 61 years Male A- 13/02/2022 Dr. Samantha Alcoholism
#P-006 Eddy Cusuma 35 years FeMale B+ 02/02/2022 Dr. David Lee Dental Care
#P-007 Alexia Kev 52 years Female B+ 26/02/2022 Dr. Samantha Allergies
#P-008 Andrew Stevano 45 years Male A+ 20/02/2022 Dr. Marcus Jr Diabetes
#P-009 Brian Lucky 65 years Female 0+ 05/02/2022 Dr. David Lee Asthma
#P-010 Cive Slauw 61 years Male A- 13/02/2022 Dr. Samantha Alcoholism
#P-011 Eddy Cusuma 35 years FeMale B+ 02/02/2022 Dr. David Lee Dental Care
#P-012 Alexia Kev 52 years Female B+ 26/02/2022 Dr. Samantha Allergies
#P-013 Andrew Stevano 45 years Male A+ 20/02/2022 Dr. Marcus Jr Diabetes
#P-014 Brian Lucky 65 years Female 0+ 05/02/2022 Dr. David Lee Asthma
#P-015 Cive Slauw 61 years Male A- 13/02/2022 Dr. Samantha Alcoholism
#P-016 Eddy Cusuma 35 years FeMale B+ 02/02/2022 Dr. David Lee Dental Care
#P-017 Alexia Kev 52 years Female B+ 26/02/2022 Dr. Samantha Allergies
#P-018 Andrew Stevano 45 years Male A+ 20/02/2022 Dr. Marcus Jr Diabetes
#P-019 Brian Lucky 65 years Female 0+ 05/02/2022 Dr. David Lee Asthma
#P-020 Cive Slauw 61 years Male A- 13/02/2022 Dr. Samantha Alcoholism
#P-021 Eddy Cusuma 35 years FeMale B+ 02/02/2022 Dr. David Lee Dental Care